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Accidental friendships

Gastronomad Experiences started out with a simple idea. 

For many years, Amira and I have been mostly living abroad. Sometimes we live in Spain, Greece, Kenya, Italy, France or Morocco for a month or three months or somewhere in between. While there, we find ourselves discovering really cool stuff, especially in the food department.

Amira, especially, has an insatiable appetite to learn everything about the food culture of each place we live. 

We occasionally post our discoveries and experiences on social media. Very often, people would say "I'd love to do that someday," or "I wish I could join you." 

The Gastronomad Experiences idea was: "Why not? Maybe you can!" 

It takes weeks or months to discover all the best markets, restaurants and food visionaries in city or region. So maybe we could take that time to make those discoveries. We could then invite like-minded adventurous foodies to join us for a week or so, during which time we could visit all the best places and experiences we had discovered. 

Our first Experience happened in Barcelona last month, and it was magic. 

What I didn't expect was to become such close friends with all our Gastronomads — like family. 

I'm not sure how it happened. But it has something to do with people self-selecting as adventuresome foodies — our kind of people. It has something to do with living together and sharing brand-new experiences every day. And it has something to do with the magic of community around a table. 

Whatever. I think having these awesome people in my life now is the best thing about our Barcelona Experience. 

(It's too late for Barcelona, but JOIN US for Prosecco, Provence and/or Mexico City Experiences!)