We were super excited to have an Easter meal at a great restaurant specializing in the region's traditional staple of spiedo, which is fire-roasted meat of just about any kind served with polenta.
The Mayor chose the restaurant for us, so we didn't know what to expect. It's called Baita alle Grotte.
We arrived on schedule and inside were a few very large tables seating between 10 or 20 people -- obviously local families dressed up and enjoying a traditional holiday meal. We had the only small table, and the only available one.
It turned out to have been a seven-course meal, with several of the courses including multiple options, and it took us four hours to get through it. Every. Single. Thing. Was absolutely delicious, authentic and amazing.
(We're planning our Prosecco Experience 2017 — sign up for our free email newsletter here to stay up to date on what will definitely be a spectacularly delicious adventure!!)
Here's our incredible, unforgettable Pasqua (Easter) dinner in Cison di Valmarino.
Piccolo sformatino all' apsarago bianco di Cimadolmo cnelle all'uovo e tartare di zucchine.
Punta di vitello arrosto su piccola misticanza profumata di primavera glassa balsamica.
La tortiera ai carciofi con rosellini di sopressa e la giardiniera sottolio.
Il timballo paglia e fieno al ragu delicato d'agnello e vitello.
Il raviolone alle erbette spontanee burro, salvia, papavero e la ricotta salata.
L'agnello, le costicine di maiale e pollo ruspante allo spiedo con polenta.
(Same course as above, but plated.)
Fantasia di frutta col gelato alla vanglia e granella croccante.
The waitress came around with several kinds of house-made grappa served in our coffee cups.
Cherry grappa. Wow!
This was an unforgettable experience.
The Americans closed the joint.
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