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What's cooking for the The Prosecco Experience

The Prosecco Experience starts in just one week! I’m sooo excited! It’s going to be epic!

Also, I’m super happy that all The Gastronomad Experiences for 2019 have sign-ups already, even though they just recently went up on the website! (Don't worry -- they all still have availability as well!)

Hooray! And thank you to all who did and will sign up and join us on one of our adventures next year. Special thanks to those of you who have sign up for two or three Experiences! Thank you for appreciating what we do and for continuing to believe in us.

Next week’s Prosecco Experience is actually the first Gastronomad Experience we’re hosting for a second time, and it’s a great feeling!

And, of course, it’s going to be different than the first one! Each Experience is unique!

For example: We'll host the amazing and talented food writer, photographer and cookbook author, Valeria Necchio, who will join us for The Prosecco Experience next week!

A local Venetian who’s currently spending time in Piemonte, Valeria will join our small group for a day of cooking and chatting. She’ll talk about her book, her life growing up in a multi-generational Venetian family, and she’ll even teach us about food photography! We’ll conclude the day with a magical long table dinner gathering by the fire!

Veneto, Valeria’s beautiful cookbook, will be the inspiration for a day of handcrafted food from the book’s recipes, including her delicious handmade pumpkin gnocchi with sage butter and walnuts! She also has expertise in Gastronomic Sciences and History so we’ll get to do some deep learning about Venetian cuisine and the Veneto region in general.

Her book is more than just a cookbook -- it's a beautiful composition of family recipes, food anecdotes and wonderful storytelling through food inspired by her own upbringing and her family traditions in the Venetian countryside.

I’m so incredibly happy to have Valeria join us for a day of authentic Venetian revelry with food, wine and a dinner gathering to remember for the rest of our lives!

The Gastronomad Experiences are about learning, connecting, appreciating and enjoying life in the most profound way through meaningful and fulfilling gatherings with inspiring people in the world most beautiful places!

We only have one life to live. And it’s up to each of us to create the life we want. That's been our Gastronomad philosophy for 12 years, and we're sticking to it!

If you’d like to experience life in the land of Prosecco, the next Prosecco Experience will happen in May 2019. But space is limited so sign up soon!