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Dinner at Mexico City's Lorea

Chef Oswaldo Oliva

Amira and I had a lovely and adventuresome dinner at the posh and innovative restaurant, Lorea. As you can see from our photos below, the place is really thinking outside the box with ingredients, plating and flavors.

From front to back: A kind of dosa-like roll with cheese, herbs and sprouts; chinchayote, salsa and corn; and chilacayota with pickled beef on top.

Soft shell crab, hoja santa and vinegar; and also mint and pistachio mochi.

Warm salad with pig crisps and bread crumbs.

Kanpachi with sofrito and negrito mushrooms.

Cuitlacoche (which is a fungus that grows on corn) with barley and pipicha, which is a Mexican herb.

An amazing cocktail made with mescal and cucumber.

Beef Wellington and potato puree with asparagus.

Preserved hibiscus flower with strawberry cream and a tequila-based sauce.

Frozen yogurt, arbequina olive oil and honeycomb.

Part tempura, part fresh stuffed sweet Zucchini flower dessert.