We got run out of our Havana apartment this morning. Here's what happened.
The woman we rent from suddenly told us that the fumigators were downstairs and that we had to leave the building immediately. (Cuba is super freaked out about the Zika virus.)
The way they do it in Cuba is that a team of fumigators, each with four or five policemen, shows up at an apartment and tells everyone to get out. Cubans have about a minute to vacate. (Our host pleaded with the fumigators to give us slow-moving visitors an extra minute or two.)
She told us to pack all our belongings into cupboards and advised us to leave as soon as possible. So we did.
Outside, the street was foggy with pesticides. Every nearby block had at least one team of fumigators and cops.
The cops are there to arrest anyone who doesn't vacate.
The fumigators enter every apartment, and go room to room spraying pesticide.
Our host promised to change the sheet and clean up for us.
(The picture shows the kitchen and dining room in our Havana apartment.)