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Heaven can't wait

Two hours North of Venice sits heaven on Earth — the prosecco-growing region of Italy. 

Called the Prosecco Hills, or the Prosecco Road, this part of Europe remains undiscovered by the hordes of tourists that crowd Italian places like Venice or Rome. We've discovered the area's most amazing prosecco wine makers, cheese-makers and chefs. 

The Prosecco Experience will take place May 21 - 27, 2018, when the vineyards are green and lush. 

In a word, The Prosecco Experience will be magical —  something you’ll remember and talk about for the rest of your life. 

Exquisite wine, delicious food, incredible traditions, genuine hospitality, astonishing scenery, authentic ancient farmhouses and storied history are just a few reasons why the Prosecco wine country is one of the most wonderful places on Earth. 

We’ll stay in a beautifully restored ancient farmhouse set atop glorious rolling hills covered with vineyards as far as the eye can see. We’ll visit astoundingly beautiful wineries and meet with visionary winemakers to learn about Prosecco wine making and, of course, learn how to taste and appreciate these amazing Italian wines.

We’ll learn to make Italian cheese. We’ll visit local farms and explore the many customs and traditions practiced in the region. We’ll hang out with Italy’s top artisanal baker; he’ll show us some of the fields where his heirloom ancient grain varieties are grown. We’ll take hands-on cooking classes from a brilliant chef who will share his secrets for making the perfect pasta and gnocchi. We’ll visit a secret cellar unearthed not long ago. These are just a few of the incredibly fun things we have lined up for this experience -- we can’t tell you all the surprises.

Click here to get more information, and to reserve your spot!